The table dance for a Dry January

What sounds like a wild night was actually a normal BAUBERGER project. Because of us, Dry January became even drier at the old Tram Depot in Bern: We picked up the brew kettle and took it in for repairs.

To get the 2-ton brew kettle out of the building, it had to be lifted upright over the bar with chain hoists and a crane jack, and then turned on its side in the entrance area so that it could fit through the door. After loading it onto our truck, we transported the kettle for repairs.

Two weeks later, we repeated the operation in reverse order and starting in mid-February, beer could be brewed again in the historic building at Bärengraben.


About the old Tramdepot in Bern

The old Tram Depot was built in 1889/90 as a depot for the Bärengraben-Bremgartenfriedhof compressed-air tram by the Tramway Company Bern. After being decommissioned in 1941 and used for various purposes, it was renovated in 1998 and became the “new” old Tram Depot.

Today, the old Tram Depot takes care of life’s beautiful things: eating, drinking, and sleeping. They combine a restaurant with an attached brewery, an ice cream shop, and the Zollhaus. Beer is brewed four to six times a week, resulting in just over 3,000 hectoliters of beer per year.


Operating equipment:

  • Crane jacks 8t
  • Chain hoists
  • Forklift 3.2t
  • Assembly forklift 1.5t with crane arm
  • Scania R540 10×4 with ramp



Hansjörg, Etienne, Peter

Pictures: Altes Tramdepot