The WERKSTÄTTEN BUECHERWÄLDLI are part of the remedial association of Gossau – Untertoggenburg – Wil (HPV). This institution offers work and income opportunities for people who, because of their disabilities, cannot find any work on the open job market.
At four locations the WERKSTÄTTEN BUECHERWÄLDLI provides work for almost 200 people with disabilities and approx. 45 people in support, production, administration and logistics. Industrial and commercial commissions, for example mechanical processing with CNC-controlled processing centres, assembly work or non-cutting forming processes (e.g. punching, bending and riveting) are carried out in various production groups.
The location in Uzwil and Oberbüren has become increasingly overcrowded, so it was time for the move to the new building in the Hirzenstrasse 7 in Niederuzwil in early September 2017. Bauberger AG was awarded the contract to carry out the relocation. The production facilities and machines from the “cutting”, “mechanics and training” and “punching” department were disassembled, removed, loaded and brought to the new building. Once there, the machines and facilities were put into their new space, positioned and levelled. Because of its size, the punching machine Schuler C 630 needed to be relocated using the hydraulic jacking system for transportation and reassembled, positioned and levelled in its new space in Niederuzwil.
For Bauberger, this assignment was everything but standard. “At a construction site, we rarely have so many interested people who actively take part in our work”, said Kurt Peter enthusiastically. “We had many good discussions and countless happy faces. The work in BUECHERWÄLDLI was great and it was also fun.”
Special equipment
- Jacking system
- Mobile crane
- Pole/bar with angular optics for levelling
- Forklift
Raffael, Luzian, Kurt and Kevin